Monday, March 8, 2010

Tools of the Trade

While Ginger and I prefer Anna's Carolina pulled pork sandwiches, Max is simply addicted to the Cheescake Factory's BBQ pulled pork sandwich. So much that he has devised a plan to sneak into their kitchen and steal the recipe.

Of course, Max knows bluffing his way into their kitchen for few days as a commis will take a bit of experience. So you can imagine how entertaining his crash cooking course has been to watch. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell him to use a springform pan for pumpkin cheesecake instead of a standard cake pan.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Perfect Harmony

After the Beagle 2 failure, I didn't think Max would ever go back to rocketry. I thought the world had lost another of its greatest guidance and control engineers. The world of dynamics was in mourning.

Of course Anna had faith in the power of bacon. She knew combining rocket design with those crispy strips of flavor would bring him back.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

High Speed Anna

In a desperate attempt to out do Topeka's recent name change, Max has changed Anna's name to Google. Ann... I mean "Googly" is okay with the change since she also desperately wants high speed internet.