As a marketing consultant, Anna can only suggest and recommend different options. The ultimate decision and responsibility is always with the client. That (and perhaps her
Primal Meditation twice a day) explains why she sleeps so soundly at night even when her clients make some questionable choices.
For example,
HealthBase.com was suppose to showcase
NetBase’s innovative technology. Anna worked closely with
Jens Telleffsen on how to best position and market their
content intelligence platform and
vision for semantic searching.
She also advised them to introduce these concepts to the general public is a very slow and precise manner. She suggested using small, well tested examples to capture people's imagination. Rushing a large scale test into production simply to take advantage of the current health debate in the US would be dangerous.
Well, last nighit Anna had visions of sugar plums dancing in her head while Jens struggled to contain
the laughter caused by releasing HealthBase, now the number 4 health website in
all of Kazakhstan, too soon.