Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Anniversary

The lawn chairs have all been setup and the catering van just arrived. The Fray completed their sound check a few hours ago and started playing Call of Duty with Max. I think even the disco ball is in place.

So we are just missing party hats, more ice, and frosting for the cake. I personally think red but Max says green. However, Anna is making the cake so she gets to decide what goes best on a Lehman Brothers anniversary cake.


  1. can the kids from CountryWide, IndyBank, and their friends from Enron and Arthur Anderson come too? plleeeeeaaasseee?

    if not too late -- it'll require some extra security -- can the Queen's Baring's Bank come too.

    i'll bring plastic spoons.

  2. As Anna says down at the TARP administration office, the bigger the better!
