Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Worries

Of all of the things to worry about around here, FFI is not very high on the list for Max.


  1. i notice a trend here.

    Mr Max is seemingly sleeping alot. alot is not a word, so i won't use that word.

    is sleeping on the job a violation of the Denver Occupational Privledge Tax, or is it a requirement? can't remember, there is alot to know.

    i am glad though Max you won't catch FFI alot.

  2. It's required to hit the productivity levels demanded of him given his homeostatic sleep curve and circadian arousal curve cross more frequently than usual. Check out rule #7.

  3. damn, no wonder i'm having problems.

    from their site, "In one study, a 26-minute nap improved NASA pilots’ performance by 34 percent" -- that crazed diaper astronaut apparently wasn't using rule #7 either.
