Max is such a model citizen. For example, yesterday he was walking home from Station 4 after crew when he noticed a young man in need. He apparently lost his keys during a weekend ski trip and was quite desperate to get inside. Well, the gentleman's crowbar was a little over kill for an unlocked window that was simply painted shut. Using a window zipper, Max had it opened in no time without any scratches.
I rest very comfortably at night knowing Max is out there helping our community.
Don't tell Max about the burglary near the firehouse last night, he'll just feel responsible.
ReplyDeleteAfter discussing Title 18, Article 11 of Colorado Revised Statutes with legal counsel, Max is going to exercise his 5th Amendment rights at this point:
ReplyDeleteEvery person who, in this state, either orally or by writing, printing, exhibiting, or circulating written or printed words or pictures, shall advocate, teach, incite, propose, aid, abet, encourage, or advise the unlawful injury or destruction of private or public property by the use of physical force, violence, or bodily injury, or the unlawful injury by the use of physical force or violence of any person, or the unlawful taking of human life, as a policy or course of conduct, under circumstances constituting a clear and present danger that violent action will result therefrom, commits a class 6 felony.
ReplyDeletePretty much everything Max says is over my head.
A class 6 felony. Is that the same as its primes: class 2 AND 3 felonies?
ReplyDeleteAnd which IRS form do you need fill out for that?